I had a great job, in a great company, and my family thought I was simply…great. I smiled at work because I was genuinely happy to be there. I was doing what I loved, and what most English majors dreamed of upon graduation–getting paid to read, write, edit at a major publishing company in New York. I was an editor. Yet life can get a little complicated when you’re comfortable. Ugh. Although I was completely content with my job, I knew I needed more. There was a nagging feeling following me around the office. It was only four years but time for a new challenge. My mom worked at her first job for 25 years! I was frustrated with that feeling. T.D. Jakes suggests that if you’re not shaking while walking into a meeting than it is time to change your job. You should always feel challenged. I hated challenge. Consistency and stability were friends of mine. Most people like scary movies and rollercoasters. I never did.
I tried to take the smart, easy, most-trodden road and started applying to other companies. The nagging voice told me “nope, a new company isn’t the answer”. I already liked the company I was with! Not even a promotion would help. T.D. Jakes wouldn’t approve, my adrenaline wasn’t pumping with fear at those thoughts.
Then it came to me–my dreams. I began dreaming again, very “immature” dreams like traveling around the world like a cute bohemian girl who wears colorful scarves and stares from the window of foreign trains. On snowy days, while going to work I daydreamed about working from home and going shopping in the middle of a summer afternoon. I dreamed constantly for two years. My friends and I would have long email exchanges in which we’d laugh about our crazy thoughts for a new life. But soon my dreams caught up with me. I realized that I could actually achieve them. That’s when the adrenaline started pumping.
It took a lot of books and wisdom to come to that conclusion (but that’s what kind of business I was in). I come from hardworking middle class parents so I got strange stares when I first brought up the idea of working from home while I traveled. That was for some rich girl who got a fat check from her ancestors every month. Then living examples appeared, it wasn’t only possible in books. I felt inspired. I began meeting people who were living the grand life of their dreams. I realized I was surrounded by them, authors, entertainers, entrepreneurs who never imagined being in their position yet some of them were famous!
I began taking my dreams seriously and pondered how I could do it. An Oscar even appeared in one my daydreams. How could my life become totally unique to my spirit and desires? I went back and forth in my brain trying to figure out how to do it financially, set goals, gather concrete information from mentors but it was too stressful to think about. My adrenaline would go crashing through the roof with fear! I knew I was on to something. Then I turned inward, started praying, meditating, visualizing, etc. Finally, the perfect answer came, “Just do it”. Yeah right. I tried giving that answer to my mother. Magically she responded, “why not?” I was stunned, she was right. There wasn’t really a strong enough reason not to do it would win over sheer happiness. I tested negative thoughts like losing a leg with no healthcare or a falling economy. (Smile) Nothing seemed to defeat the moments of joy I felt at living my life to the fullest. So I leaped.
I received a proposal for a book at work from a literary agent I admired called Dear Success Seeker. I read the book, spoke with the author, and was in love. The book and author spoke to my heart. It was a collection of stories about unique legacies. I was so inspired I acquired the book. Shortly after, I left the company to create a unique life myself. Currently, I am doing what I imagined. I have my own editorial and marketing business (still working with books) and on snowy days I watch from my home office as everyone else rushes to his or her office. I have shopped in the middle of the day when I was done working. And I’m traveling. Best of all, I am looking forward to the future in a bold and courageous way. I know that I will do things way beyond my own expectations. I also continue to dream at least twice a day.